Contact: Andrew Selby
Phone: 856 663.3998 ext. 229
Date: October 10, 2024
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location: Double Tree by Hilton Hotel
2349 Marlton Pike (Route 70)
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Attendees: CEO of the Community Planning and Advocacy Council, Anita Wemple
Assembly Majority Leader, Louis Greenwald
Senator Nilsa Cruz Perez
Rutgers University Chancellor, Antonio Tillis
Camden County Commissioner, Al Dyer
Visuals: The best and brightest of South Jersey will be honored for the selfless work done to improve and enhance the community.
Details: The Community Planning and Advocacy Council (CPAC) will be unveiling the winners and honorees of the best and brightest in South Jersey on Thursday night. After distributing more than $3.2 million to organizations and agencies throughout the region in 2024 to build a better community CPAC will honor the individuals and institutions supporting and strengthening the residents of South Jersey. People like the Chancellor of Rutgers University, Antonio Tillis, state Assembly Majority Leader Louis Greenwald, Commissioner Al Dyer, and Sen. Nilsa Cruz-Perez who tirelessly work to open doors and provide more access and opportunity to at-risk and vulnerable populations will be celebrated. In addition, organizations like TD Bank and the Thrive Network will be feted for their outstanding work in the community.
The President of CPAC, Anita Wemple, talked about the work being done throughout the year and the recipients.
“Our civic leadership awards go to the heart of what it means to give back and work on behalf of the most vulnerable people in our community,” Wemple said. “These individuals, stakeholders, elected officials, and organizations have been tireless with their work to improve our community and we want to thank them and recognize their passion and commitment to South Jersey.”
The Community Planning and Advocacy Council’s mission is to advance social, racial, and economic justice to promote successful individuals, strong families, and thriving communities. The organization focuses its objectives on improving maternal health, housing and food insecurity, and a variety of other challenges throughout South Jersey.
