Camden County Homeless Network Planning Committee (HNPC)
The Homeless Network Planning Committee (HNPC) is Camden County’s Comprehensive Emergency Assistance System (CEAS) Committee. It is a coalition of providers, advocates, and consumers that develops and implements a comprehensive plan providing for a continuum of services to decrease homelessness and maximize self-sufficiency for the City and Camden County Continuum of Care. This committee is structured according to the guidelines detailed within the Homeless Emergency Assistance & Rapid Transition to Housing Act or the HEARTH Act.
What Is The HNPC?
As of 2013, the HNPC is part of the regional Southern NJ Continuum of Care (SNJCoC) which includes Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, and Gloucester Counties. The SNJCoC does regional planning and applies as a continuum to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for funding under the HUD NOFA process.
HNPC Subcommittees
Coordination and Collaboration – To increase outreach efforts for the access, enrollment, and utilization of mainstream resources for homeless families, chronically homeless individuals, individuals discharged from prison (and other institutions), who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Systems Evaluation/HMIS – To ensure that agencies use the HMIS system to monitor and report program data in a systematic manner to achieve the goals of the Continuum of Care. Agencies participating in HMIS discuss unique needs connected to entering data from their respective sites and review existing monitoring processes, tools, and systems used while creating data quality expectations and agreements.
Permanent and Supportive Housing (PASH) – This group is working towards the establishment of permanent, affordable supportive housing in the City and County of Camden. Most recently this local committee merged with the SNJCoC’s Permanent Housing Committee to recruit representatives from the Federal, State, Local and Private sectors. May collectively share information and input regarding projects that promote permanent, affordable, supportive housing in the region.
Point-In-Time - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that communities receiving federal funds from the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants program conduct a count of all sheltered people in the last week of January annually. This group is responsible for the planning and execution of the HUD required annual count of the homeless throughout the county. The work that this subcommittee does helps our community plan services and programs to appropriately address local needs, measure progress in decreasing homelessness and identify strengths and gaps in a community’s current homelessness assistance system.
Southern New Jersey Continuum of Care (SNJCoC)
What Is The SNJCoC?
Each county is required to have a CEAS Committee, which is a coalition of providers, advocates, and consumers that develops and implements a comprehensive plan providing for the continuum of services to decrease homelessness and maximize self-sufficiency for that county (See Homeless Network Planning Committee description. This is Camden County’s CEAS Committee.)
The Southern New Jersey Continuum of Care (SNJCoC) is a regional coalition of Comprehensive Emergency Assistance System (CEAS) Committees. The SNJCoC combines Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, and Gloucester Counties into one regional Continuum of Care. Each county continues to have its own CoC/CEAS Committee, which elects representatives to the SNJCoC Executive Board. Each CEAS Committee is a coalition of providers, advocates, and consumers that develops and implements a comprehensive plan providing for the continuum of services to decrease homelessness and maximize self-sufficiency for that county (See Homeless Network Planning Committee description. That is Camden County’s CEAS Committee.)
The SNJCoC does regional planning and applies as a continuum to HUD for funding under the HUD NOFA process. HUD wants regional continuums to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in serving the homeless population. Proposals for CoC homeless services funds are reviewed by the regional continuum and a NOFA application is submitted on behalf of the continuum. All projects must outreach to and serve the homeless populations of all four counties.
SNJCoC Subcommittees
Coordinated Assessment/Case Conferencing– This committee is the working group of provider agencies involved in the SNJCoC’s Coordinated Assessment process. Any agency that holds housing vouchers that need to be filled, has other housing opportunities available or that has consumers in need of housing, e.g. emergency shelters, are encouraged to send representatives to these meetings. Those agencies that have housing vouchers funded by SNJCoC HUD funds are required to participate in this committee. The committee meets every other week to review the housing prioritization lists and match consumers that meet program criteria with openings for which they can apply. There is a Coordinated Assessment Leadership Committee that handles consumer, staff, and agency situations that cannot be resolved in the larger case conferencing group, that may be a grievance, complaint, or need for consideration outside of the established parameters of the prioritizing procedures. The committee will also be the liaison between case conferencing and the SNJCoC Executive Board to bring issues and recommendations for additions or changes to the Coordinated Assessment Policies and Procedures.
Performance and Evaluation: This committee is responsible for monitoring, evaluating, & prioritizing projects applying for funding through the SNJCoC. It is also responsible for the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), including its implementation, ongoing assessment of data collected & reporting on the use & quality of HMIS to evaluate whether the SNJCoC’ s programs are effectively & efficiently meeting the needs of the community & producing the desired outcome of ending homelessness.
Education and Youth: This committee is responsible for coordinating with local school districts & other organizations providing services for homeless youth in order to review existing services for homeless youth, assess needs, identify gaps, & develop a coordinated SNJCoC Service Area plan to improve outcomes for children & youth.
Permanent and Supportive Housing: This committee is responsible for designing & implementing a strategic plan to reduce & end homelessness through the provision of permanent, subsidized & other affordable housing for homeless individuals & those at risk of homelessness. It coordinates with local housing providers to review the region’s need for emergency, transitional & permanent housing & to develop a systemic plan for meeting those needs.